

Published: Jun 9, 2020

  Yuliia Aleskerova


The purpose of the work is to substantiate theoretical and methodological principles and practical recommendations for defining the main landmarks, priority directions and the dominant components of the development of the agricultural insurance system. Agricultural insurance is an effective instrument for its financial support and ensuring the continuity of expanded reproduction, which promotes stabilization of production, ensuring the financial stability of agricultural producers and, thus, generates conditions for achieving the desired standard of living, food security of the state and the welfare of the population. The objectives of the study are: to consider genesis of views on the essence and role of the agricultural insurance system; to analyze the current contour of the agricultural insurance system; to substantiate the priority directions of development of the system of agricultural insurance. Method. The methodological basis of the study is the general economic method of ascending from abstract to concrete, theoretical achievements of domestic and world financial science, conceptual provisions of modern insurance theories. The research is based on the use of a systemic approach to the consideration of financial phenomena, on the fundamental positions of economic theory, system theory, theory of finance, insurance management, etc. Results. The concept of the development of the agricultural insurance system and its main implementation vectors determine the purpose, defining tasks is a more specific form of decision-making, requiring the elaboration of certain strategic measures. In this case these are to outline the criteria for evaluating the purpose, to determine the high-quality and quantitative characteristics of these criteria. High-quality characteristics are understood as a landmark and quantitative as a task. Value/originality. Improved theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition of the essence and structure of the agricultural insurance mechanism have allowed to propose conceptual provisions for the harmonization of the mechanism of agricultural insurance, this will allow to take into account the inquiries, interests and financial opportunities of agricultural producers comprehensively in order to minimize adverse effects of agricultural risks depending on the intensity and level of their manifestation, on the basis of which a bunch of effective measures is developed, which allows to ensure the leveling of threats and the dynamism and flexibility of the system, which will facilitate the provision of insurance protection of agricultural produces and increase of export potential of agriculture.

How to Cite

Aleskerova, Y. (2020). DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE SYSTEM. Green, Blue and Digital Economy Journal, 1(1), 1-7.
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insurance, agricultural insurance system, agricultural insurance mechanism, insurance risks, insurance products, innovative insurance tariff policy


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