

Published: Jun 9, 2020

  Oksana Zelinska

  Ludmila Volontyr


Now, the cause of inefficient management in many enterprises of Ukraine is the insufficient use of information technology. Despite the active support of the sector by the state, the problems of studying and speeding up information flows, development and implementation of information and software systems for automation of management, lack of vision of the prospect IT implementation in managers and, as a consequence, reduction of management mobility, etc. are not fully resolved. The effectiveness of managing the settlement territories depends to a great extent on the completeness and reliability of the initial information used in making decisions on its strategic and operational development. The required information is measured by thousands of indicators that characterize the quantitative and qualitative state of the elements of the environment of the settlement and is collected, accumulated and processed by various branch bodies of state and local authorities. Using e-government tools will provide a significant improvement in service quality individuals and legal entities and increasing openness, transparency and efficiency of the activity of state and local self-government bodies. In addition, the introduction of e-government is a basic prerequisite for building an efficient digital economy and digital market in Ukraine. It is the generalization of electronic registers that will make it possible to make an effective management decision. The purpose of the scientific article is to identify the directions, mechanisms for improving the efficiency of management and control, case study and the influence of the information and communication technologies use on the management systems at the state and local levels. Methodology. The study of the subject area, theoretical foundations of information technology in the management of Vinnytsia areas of improvement; identifying tools and methods for implementing information systems in greening management. The subject of the study is the impact of information technology on improving the effectiveness of control and management decisions. Based on the analysis of information and communication technologies in management local authorities and experience of foreign countries in the area of urban improvement, areas of research to improve management and control are identified. Result of the research. It is determined that the use of information technologies in public administration contributes to the formation of an open democratic society, which will guarantee the observance of the constitutional rights of citizens, to participate in public life, to make appropriate decisions by public authorities and local self-government bodies. The use of e-government tools will significantly improve the quality of service for individuals and legal entities and increase the openness, transparency and efficiency of the activity of public authorities and local self-government bodies.

How to Cite

Zelinska, O., & Volontyr, L. (2020). THE USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AT THE STATE AND LOCAL LEVELS. Green, Blue and Digital Economy Journal, 1(1), 16-23.
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information technology, management decisions, public administration, optimization, e-government, municipal improvement, landscaping


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