

Published: Jun 9, 2020

  Anzhelika Mashevska


The purpose of the article is to analyze earnings in different countries of the world. The wages of the population of different countries are analyzed: the USA, Canada, the former Soviet Union countries, the rating of 30 states-leaders on average salary (gross) is made. It is proved that, in addition to national statistical institutions, international organizations are also engaged in the compilation of wage ratings. Their statistical surveys are highly reliable: when calculating the average wage, salaries of employees are taken into account, emphasizing their qualifications and work experience, without taking into account businesspersons, private or individual entrepreneurs, pensioners, assisted persons and others. Method. According to the ratings, the list of the most sought after and highly profitable professions is constantly changing. The labor market is out of place, and before the prestigious specialties cease to be relevant, and their place is occupied by new ones, the demand of representatives of a profession also depends on the region. What has become of further development is that in recent years many popular and unusual professions have appeared in the countries of the Far East: Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and others. For example, many Ukrainian citizens teach English as a "native" language in China. It is important for the Chinese that the teacher be European, and the demand for language courses is enormous (especially in the province). Results. For those citizens who have pronounced Caucasian features, they have blond hair, fair complexion, and eyes that are beautiful and young, with even greater opportunities to earn money, the trend for the European appearance in China, Korea and Japan is huge. Value/originality. According to the analysis of the countries with the highest average salary level, 20 positions belong to the European countries, 2 are from America and Oceania and 6 are Asian. The important products and services can have a serious impact on cost of living, with 100 USD being of different weight in Japan and in Ukraine. Therefore, the inflationary processes that enter the economy significantly affect the level of wages of people, which in turn affects the standard of living of the population.

How to Cite

Mashevska, A. (2020). WAGE PAYMENTS IN THE WORLD. Green, Blue and Digital Economy Journal, 1(1), 31-36. https://doi.org/10.30525/2661-5169/2020-1-5
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salary, visa for the cordon, homeland, Union of Independent Powers, Europe, the USA, America, Canada, International Organization of Public Relations, Organization of Economic and Social Development – OECP, Trading Economics


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