

Published: Dec 3, 2020

  Liubov Zgalat-Lоzynska


The purpose of the paper is to determine the status and areas of improvement of state policy to support the development of green technologies in construction. Methodology. This review is based on the characteristics of individual areas of implementation of green technologies in construction. Possibilities of using renewable sources in the process of construction and operation of buildings are considered. It is established that different methods of energy production are used in energy efficient houses. These include photovoltaic solar panels, heat pumps, photothermal collectors, geothermal waters, mini hydroelectric power plants. It is emphasized that the energy consumption of such buildings should also be reduced; for the reason of special architectural design solutions, the energy-efficient materials with high thermal insulation properties are used. The peculiarities of the policy of stimulating the increase of energy efficiency of buildings in Ukraine are considered, the conclusion on its insufficient efficiency is given. The reason for ineffectiveness of the incentive policy is figured out. The directions for reduction of air and water pollution by filtration and use of rain and melt water for household needs are considered. It is established that the active implementation of innovation is impossible mainly due to obsolete housing and worn-out utilities. Eco-design is also used to increase energy efficiency in construction and architects must actively use passive and active methods of designing houses in different climatic conditions. Green construction also involves recycling of construction waste. Improving the environmental efficiency of buildings and structures involves the use of modern insulation materials, coatings. Currently, nanomaterials with unique properties are becoming widespread in construction. They have increased physical characteristics, in particular, accumulated thermal radiation, provided significant energy savings in winter and summer. The results of the study showed that the state regulatory policy (innovation policy, support of science and R&D, technology transfer, price policy regulation, updating of technological regulations) has an extremely important role in stimulating the spread of green technologies in construction. Practical implications. The most important areas of public policy in construction are: the implementation of environmental energy and quality international standards for construction products; stimulating consumer demand for environmentally friendly innovative solutions, including through “green” public procurement, setting reasonable prices for energy resources, stimulating the implementation of a holistic concept of product life cycle; development of financial mechanisms to support the demand for cleaner technologies and innovations.

How to Cite

Zgalat-LоzynskaL. (2020). STATE INNOVATION POLICY FOR GREEN TECHNOLOGIES SUPPORT IN CONSTRUCTION. Green, Blue and Digital Economy Journal, 1(2), 8-13.
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green technologies, construction, energy efficient house, eco-design, state regulation


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