

Published: Dec 3, 2020

  Liudmyla Bezuhla


The purpose of the study is to assess the impact of the macro environment on ecotourism infrastructure. Methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the article is the basic provisions of the theory of ecotourism development in the conditions of transformational changes. To achieve the goal of the research, there were used general scientific theoretical methods: generalization, explanation, grouping – to analyze the views of economists on the object of study and to formulate conclusions of the content analysis of primary sources; analysis and synthesis – to substantiate the conceptual provisions, principles in solving research problems. Results. Ecotourism infrastructure plays a key role in the development of ecotourism. Its existence is associated with the state of productive forces and the territorial division of labor, as well as the efficiency of material production. The infrastructural arrangement of ecotourism, on the one hand, depends on the pace of modernization, and on the other hand, it acts as a driver of economic growth of ecotourism. The development of ecotourism infrastructure depends on the specifics of the industry and regions and is carried out in accordance with changes in the production sphere. It is given that infrastructure has a significant impact on the efficiency of economic entities through the participation of industrial and social services in the creation of consumer value and prices of services. Thus, it is important to study the impact of the macro environment on ecotourism infrastructure. Practical implications. The subject оf research is the theoretical and methodological, as well as scientific and practical principles of assessing the impact of the macro environment on ecotourism infrastructure. In the article, the principles of effective ecotourism with optimal ecotourism infrastructure usage have been justified. It is determined that the development of ecotourism can cause a variety of consequences at the local, regional and national levels, the range of which is from very favorable to destructive. Socio-economic aspects related to the development of ecotourism infrastructure are analyzed. Value/ originality. PEST-analysis of the impact of the macro environment on the ecotourism infrastructure was conducted. Having studied the impact of macroeconomic indicators on ecotourism infrastructure, it can be argued that it is optimal to put economic benefits in the foreground and ensure the preservation of their own habitat.

How to Cite

Bezuhla, L. (2020). IMPACT OF THE MACRO ENVIRONMENT ON THE ECOTOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE. Green, Blue and Digital Economy Journal, 1(2), 33-38.
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ecotourism, ecology, socio-economic effects, economic development, PEST-analysis, ecological risk


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