

Published: Sep 27, 2021

  Iuliia Gernego

  Tetiana Shkoda

  Oleksandr Savych


The purpose of the paper is to identify the marketing tools, which are promising areas of functional provision of strategic management of young scientists’ human capital in Ukraine. The novelty of the research is represented by the created theoretical model of the conceptual scenario of strategic management of young scientists’ human capital. The object of the scientific research is the process of using marketing tools in strategic management of young scientists’ human capital. The research methodology includes such methods: comparative analysis, critical analysis, statistical analysis, economic-mathematical analysis and graph-analytical. The research is based on the results of mass sociological survey of young scientists in Ukraine performed within the framework of the project «Realization of the young scientists’ potential in integration of science, education, and business» (0120U102126) in 2020 year. The obtained results confirmed fully the proposed hypothesis H1 and H2 and partially the hypothesis H3. The discussion section of the paper proposes the improved method of evaluating the human potential of young scientists, which includes four vectors: assessment of business qualities of educational managers, evaluation of the effectiveness of the organizational structure of management of scientific and educational institutions, assessment of the overall effectiveness of marketing activities of scientific and educational institutions, general evaluation of marketing potential of human development in the strategic management of human capital of research and educational institutions. The fourth component is proposed to produce marketing tools used by young scholars based on the results of a mass sociological survey. The practical value of the proposed instruments for the young scientists’ community and scientific and educational institutions, where they are employed, is in the use of the adapted graph-analytical method, which gives the opportunity to assess the marketing tools in strategic management of young scientists’ human capital.

How to Cite

Gernego, I., Shkoda, T., & Savych, O. (2021). MARKETING TOOLS IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS’ HUMAN CAPITAL. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 7(4), 43-53.
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marketing tools, strategic management, human capital, young scientists


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