

Published: Apr 5, 2024

  Inna Tomashuk

  Olena Dzhedzhula

  Olena Koval


The aim of the article is to identify the characteristics of the introduction and development of marketing activities in agricultural enterprises in order to increase the efficiency of their activities. Methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach to the study of economic phenomena and processes related to the marketing activities of agricultural enterprises. In formulating theoretical generalisations and formulating conclusions and proposals, the paper uses historical, abstract and logical, and monographic methods. Forecasting of indicators characterising the marketing potential of enterprise in the context of increasing labour productivity at enterprises, market parameters and substantiation of the choice of marketing strategy of agricultural producers is carried out using the methods of extrapolation and economic forecasting. The article uses general scientific and special research methods: abstraction and comparison, analysis and synthesis, graphical methods, deduction, economic and mathematical modelling, observation and comparison, and the logical method. The results of the study show that marketing instruments include methods of its implementation, i.e., advertising, sales, customer service, pricing policy, study of needs and demand, communication with consumers and the public. Calculation of a comprehensive indicator of efficiency of marketing activity of enterprises is an important direction of assessment of the status and level of development of the marketing complex at enterprise. The indicator makes it possible to promptly identify and eliminate deviations in achieving goals and fulfilling tasks, which affects the overall performance of the enterprise. The results of the study are presented in the form of tables, graphs, diagrams, and charts. Practical implications. Since the marketing activity of an agricultural enterprise is multifaceted, it is necessary to evaluate its effectiveness in the following areas: efficiency of implementation of marketing functions, implementation of the marketing complex and use of marketing resources. In order to assess the level of efficiency of marketing activities, it is necessary to analyse both strategic and tactical aspects of the agricultural enterprise. Value/originality. An important component of ensuring marketing activities in the agricultural market is the communication policy of the enterprise. A modern system for assessing the effectiveness of marketing activities should take into account the possibility of disseminating information via the Internet, which is an indispensable tool for obtaining up-to-date marketing information.

How to Cite

Tomashuk, I., Dzhedzhula, O., & Koval, O. (2024). ORGANISATION OF MARKETING ACTIVITIES IN AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 10(1), 222-236.
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marketing, strategy, agricultural enterprises, management, needs, consumers, technologies, potential, planning


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