The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical aspects of investment activity, analyse the current level of investment activity in the agricultural sector of Ukraine's economy and identify factors and methods of its increase. Methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the fundamental principles of national economic management, investment activity and development of agricultural production entities. The research used the following scientific methods: axiomatic (to establish basic definitions that clarify the essence of the study), systematic (to identify components within the agricultural production sector), institutional (to construct the subject-object framework of the institutional environment for investment activity in agricultural production), correlation-regression analysis (to identify key predictors influencing investment activity in the agricultural sector), abstraction (to prioritise the stimulation of investment activity in agricultural production), and reproductive (to substantiate alternative strategies for attracting investment in agricultural enterprises). The results of the study show that diversification of investment sources and modernisation of technological infrastructure of agricultural production are important prerequisites for institutional reforms in the agricultural sector of the country. Increasing investment activity in agricultural enterprises can be achieved by creating a favourable investment climate. This includes government initiatives to create a transparent and stable regulatory framework, simplify bureaucratic processes, and ensure legal and financial stability. Another key aspect is to facilitate access to financial instruments such as low-interest loans, grants and subsidies to support the development of agricultural enterprises. The results of the study are presented in the form of tables, figures, graphs, diagrams and charts. Practical implications. Given the high level of integration of the domestic agricultural sector into the global food market, it is worth exploring the potential of using customs instruments to stimulate investment processes. Such instruments could include a zero VAT rate for investment agricultural goods and measures to prevent double taxation. Value / Оriginality. Investment activity in Ukraine can be intensified under the following conditions: ensuring financing for innovations; developing and implementing a system of measures to increase the investment activity of commercial banks; promoting the development of the stock market and venture capital; developing investment infrastructure; borrowing the best international experience in assessing the efficiency of business centres and business incubators; forming an investment and innovation culture in society, etc.
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investment, investment activity, foreign investment, direct investment, agrarian sector of the economy, agro-industrial production
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