The subject of the study is international, national and regional vectors of balanced development of tourism and resort and recreational sphere. Methodology. The study used general scientific methods, in particular: theoretical generalization; methods of positive and normative analysis and statistical analysis. The aim is to substantiate the process of balanced development of tourism and resort and recreational sphere using international, national and regional vectors in modern conditions. Conclusion of the study. International experience of balanced tourism development has shown that among the leading countries in tourism are France, USA, China, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Mexico, Thailand. It is emphasized that these countries are annually visited by 30 to 100 million tourists. It was noted that France ranks first among the countries that attract tourists, the tourist flow to which in 2019 amounted to 217.8 million people, in 2020 it decreased to 117.1 million people, or almost 1.86 times; in second place among the leading countries is the United States of America, where in 2019 the tourist flow amounted to 167.4 million people, and in 2020 it decreased by almost 3.7 times and amounted to 44.7 million people; China ranks third in terms of tourist visits in 2019 – 167.5 million people, in 2020 it decreased to 30.4 million people, or 5.3 times. Analysis of the national experience of tourism development showed that the pandemic of viral infection also had the most significant impact on the reduction of tourist flows in Ukraine. It is noted that in 2019, the reduction of inbound tourists was almost 4 times, while the reduction of tourists in 2014 at the beginning of military aggression was 1.8 times. The authors consider it appropriate to predict a slight reduction in tourist flows during a full-scale war between Russia and Ukraine and to ensure the development of an innovative model of balanced development of national tourism. The creation of an innovative model of balanced development of tourism and resort and recreational sphere with the use of international, national and regional vectors is quite relevant in modern conditions. It is proved that such a model should ensure the achievement of public interests, short-term and long-term goals in solving alternative tasks of obtaining quick and maximum profit by the tourism business and meeting the needs of international tourist traffic and international capital in solving the problem of geographical promotion of tourist flows to new territories.
How to Cite
international tourism, tourist flows, coronavirus pandemic, military aggression
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