

Published: Dec 30, 2022

  Marianna Stehnei

  Inna Irtyshcheva

  Halyna Mykhalchynets


The subject of the study is the process of destabilization of the financial market of Ukraine in modern conditions. Methodology. The research used general scientific methods, in particular: theoretical generalization, methods of positive and normative analysis, and statistical analysis. The goal is to assess the processes of destabilization of the financial market of Ukraine in modern conditions. Research conclusion. For the formation of command information oriented to the production of effects in current conditions, it is necessary to provide in mathematical logic: 1) a comprehensive study of static (permanent) characteristics of the financial market as a hierarchically ordered combinatorial system; 2) research of existing trends in the development of the financial market of Ukraine according to the elements of its combinatorial structure; 3) specification of critical problems and obstacles to the development of the financial market (according to the elements of its combinatorial structure), which may negatively affect the performance of the financial market. The financial market of Ukraine is a complex structure characterized by constant structural changes. Currently, the financial market of Ukraine is characterized by somewhat contradictory trends of its development, taking place against the background of increasing stochasticity of its environment. Naturally, it is necessary to create opportunities to estimate and forecast the flows of financial resources and changes in the financial market associated with these flows by building a complex of models that provide 1) forecasting possible behavioral reactions of the integrated performance of the financial market on the basis of existing trends in changes in the value characteristics of assets under the influence of various influencing factors in stochastic models; 2) step-by-step descriptive-numerical representation of data in dynamic programming models to identify possible changes in the structure of the financial market. It is this content of the models that is important because it not only determines the possible directions of strengthening, vulnerability and destabilization of the financial market, such a model basis increases the scientific validity of the developed strategic priorities aimed at preventing destabilization processes on the efficiency of the financial market in the future.

How to Cite

Stehnei, M., Irtyshcheva, I., & Mykhalchynets, H. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF THE FINANCIAL MARKET: DESTABILIZING PROCESSES, THEIR ASSESSMENT, AND GLOBAL IMPACT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 8(5), 176-183.
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financial market, destabilizing processes, global influence


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