

Published: Nov 30, 2022

  Nikolay Serbov

  Olena Pavlenko

  Inna Irtyshcheva


The subject of the study is the current features of freshwater management in European countries and experience for Ukraine. Methodology. The study used general scientific methods, in particular: theoretical generalization; methods of positive and normative analysis and statistical analysis. The goal is to study the European experience in freshwater management and adapt it for Ukraine. Research conclusion. An analysis of the water supply of European households has been carried out and it has been found that there is no "water stress" under such conditions. However, with the global water scarcity resulting from population growth and urbanization, particularly tourism, in recent years, negative factors have particularly affected water use in small Mediterranean islands and in densely populated areas. To stabilize this situation, EU member states have been asked to report on each of the monitoring stations that have been removed from their monitoring network, the reason for such removal and the alternative stations installed in case of persistent pollution. It was found that trends can be calculated for 83% of groundwater stations (so far only 20% in Sweden) and 75% of surface water stations (but less than 50% for Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Malta, Slovakia and Sweden). The importance of freshwater and seawater remediation measures by EU Member States under Directive 24 to reduce the impact of eutrophication caused by nitrates or phosphorus is stressed. It was found that European integration strategies in the field of environmental protection are characterized by improving water quality and water management; environmental management and integration of environmental policies; ensuring air quality; waste management; reducing the use of genetically modified organisms. It is justified that to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of the environmental component (natural environment) in the Association Agreement, the authors will analyze Ukraine on the index of environmental performance (The Environmental Performance Index), which provides a quantitative basis for comparison, analysis and understanding of environmental indicators in 180 countries.

How to Cite

Serbov, N., Pavlenko, O., & Irtyshcheva, I. (2022). PECULIARITIES OF FRESHWATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: NATIONAL AND EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE AND CURRENT TRENDS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 8(4), 158-164.
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freshwater resources, management, European experience, Index of ecological efficiency


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